Overview AVOXI’s Flow builder is a visual call flow configuration tool with enhanced capabilities to intelligently route your incoming calls.
Here's a list of common terms related to flows.
View all Flows List of all available flows created to date with flow details including Name, Status, Last Updated On, Last Updated By and Dependents.
Duplicate your existing call flows effortlessly at the click of a button.
Widget Library Widget library has various widgets used by Flow Builder to build your call flow.
How to get there? Navigate to the Flow Builder tab using the left hand side navigation menu.
Click on the add button under the Flow start widget and choose IVR widget from the widget library.
Case 1 : Repeat options for Simple IVR Sample menu prompt - To place an order, please press 1 To speak to a customer representative, please press 2 To repeat the menu, please press 3 Scenario caller hears the menu prompt and chooses option 3 to hear the menu options again caller hears the menu prompt and chooses incorrect option/ option not con.
Step 1 - Navigate there and Explore Go to Flow Builder tab available in the left navigation panel Explore the canvas, widgets in the widget library, mini map , save/publish button.
Percentage based routing is used to distribute and balance incoming call traffic.
Failover routing is used to re-route calls to failover destinations when the primary destination cannot be reached.
Configure custom Date/Time groups for business hours, out of office hours, holidays, or other events to route your calls accordingly.
This widget can be used to collect single/multiple DTMF keypresses (user input) from the caller.
This widget is used to make custom API calls that enables AVOXI Flow Builder to communicate with different systems by retrieving or sending data.
Summary This widget is used to control call routing to different flow paths based on if-then conditions.
Is there a limit on how many nodes my flow can have? Yes, please limit your flow to no more than 200 nodes.
Feature IVR Flow Builder Free to use ✔ ✔ Configure IVR (Interactive Voice Response) to set up automated greetings, collect digit (DTMF) input from your users and route calls intelligently based on their choice.
IVR widget Intro prompt - Plays at the beginning, before the menu prompt.
Connect and manage your Apps/CRM credentials for easier and quicker webhook auth configuration within Flow Builder.
If you're trying to run Flow actions for Outbound calls, an Outbound Flow is what you'll I want to create a record in my CRM or other external system to log this call and information about this call I want to show a screen pop for Outbound calls that link to information from my CRM or other external system Setting up a Outbound Flow To set up an Ou.
If you're trying to run Flow actions after a call completes, a Post-Call Flow is probably what you're looking for.
Would you like to connect your Creatio CRM to AVOXI Genius? Now you can with OAuth support to authenticate Creatio and connect the two systems.
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