Post-Call Flows

If you're trying to run  Flow actions after a call completes, a Post-Call Flow is probably what you're looking for. The most common reasons you'd want a Post-Call Flow include:

  • I want to create a record in my CRM or other external system after a call completes

Setting up a Post-Call Flow

To set up a Post-Call Flow, you'll proceed similarly to creating any other Flow in Flow Builder. 

  1. Go to Flow Builder via the left sidebar
  2. Click the blue +Add button in the top-right of Flow Builder
  3. Name your flow and in the Type dropdown choose Post-Call, then click Add
  4. Add the relevant Widgets here
    1. In most cases, Post-Call Flows are used to trigger actions happening in other systems such as creating a Task in Salesforce with key call information.
    2. To set up an action in another system, you would likely want to add a Webhook Widget, set it up to hit your CRM system, and choose what information to pass. From there you would end the flow once that action has been completed. See this article for more details on how to set up a Webhook call in Flow Builder.
      1. You may also want a Condition node so you can choose to only create a task in your CRM system for certain calls.
  5. Publish your flow! Once you've tested out your Webhook call to make sure it works then you should be ready to publish. This will make this Post-Call Flow Live and able to be selected by another flow.
  6. Go to your other flow(s) and select this new flow as the Post-Call Flow
    1. Navigate to Flow Builder via the left sidebar
    2. You need to choose one or more starting flow(s) to attach this Post-Call Flow. Go to one of your other Flows that you want this Post-Call Flow to run after and open up that Flow. 
    3. In the top-right of Flow Builder for that Flow, above the Widget Library, you should see a button for “Add Post-Call Flow”.
    4. Choose the relevant Post-Call Flow via the dropdown and then click Select
    5.  Publish this flow
    6. Repeat for any other flows you want to also use this Post-Call Flow

Post-Call Flow Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What other widgets can I use in Post-Call Flows?
    1. Given that a Post-Call Flow happens after a call completes, there are certain widgets which you may not need to use here. For example, widgets such as IVRs, Gather input, or Forwarding widgets would not take any actions here due to the call being completed at this point.

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December 16th, 2024


Curtis Foster

Updated By:

Curtis Foster



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outbound, flow

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