Manage Flows

View all Flows

List of all available flows created to date with flow details including Name, Status, Last Updated On, Last Updated By and Dependents.


You can search the flows by Flow name, Status and Last Updated by user.


Add will open the empty canvas with flow start widget and widget library to create a call flow.


Clicking on the Save button will validate and save your progress and resume it in the same state when you open the flow later.


For previously published flows, clicking on the flow will preview the live version of the flow. Click on the “Back to Draft” button on top right to edit the flow.

If the flow hasn’t been published yet, it will open the draft version in edit mode.

Note - Editing a live or published flow will not impact the existing published version of the flow and associated calls in progress.


In the mange flow table click on "Delete" button present under "Actions" column to permanently delete a flow. 

Please note this will impact all target destinations where the flow is used will have to be updated manually.


Clicking on publish internally checks the call flow configuration. If the publish process passes you will get a message “Successfully published flow” 

Published flows can be assigned to numbers - Number > Forwarding > Call Forwarding Rules”

If the publish process fails, you will get a message “Error publishing call flow” 

Test call flow

After publishing a flow, go to manage flow screen. Copy the flow extension of respective flow and make a internal test call to flow extension using webphone. Currently, only licensed users having access to webphone can test flows. This helps admins to experience the call flow as a caller would before forwarding numbers to flow.

Assign Flow

Once the flow is published, it can be used as 

  1. Target destination [Forward calls to] in the call forwarding section of numbers configuration. [Number > Forwarding > Call Forwarding Rules]. Go to [Forward calls to] field - Select flow and respective flow name and save changes

  2. Team’s timeout

  3. Target destination for Virtual attendant Key Press

  4. Virtual attendant timeout

Check Flow Dependents

Click on dependents icon associated to a flow to view a list of dependent numbers, teams and IVR's.


  1. Find the flow you want to duplicate.

  2. Click on the “Duplicate” button present under “Actions” column

  3. Your duplicated flow is available for further customization

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December 5th, 2023


Tasleem Rayali

Updated By:

Tasleem Rayali



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