Supervisor Training ~ Module 3: Live Dashboards

AVOXI gives visibility into both historical call activity reports and real-time analytics, offering you the ability to reallocate resources instantly. Combine live call monitoring and advanced analytics to better coach your agents in real-time with our live call coaching dashboard, including historical agent performance views.

In this section, we will cover the below dashboards:

Live Dashboard

The Live Inbound Dashboard is available to both Contact and Enterprise license holders and gives Admins and Supervisors the ability to monitor multiple agents within a team, calls, and call status. Located in the Analytics section of Genius, the Live Inbound Dashboard tab allows an administrator to filter their configured teams for monitoring and, if necessary, take action. 

  1. Log in to your AVOX account.
  2. Select the "Live" section located on the left-hand navigator
  3. Next, select the "Live Inbound" tab 
  4. Filter by Teams - You can filter by one or multiple teams up to a maximum limit of 10 teams at one time
  5. Save Default FIlter - Use the save function to save your filter criteria as default filters
  6. The team information presented includes the number of agents available per team, calls in progress, calls waiting, average wait time, and maximum wait time. 
  7. Admins can monitor agents' time on-call, time since the last call, and the number of pauses per day. 
  8. Admins have the ability to Pause or Logout agents, and also to Barge or Whisper on agents' calls. 

Genius Tip: Average and Maximum Wait Times are only for current waiting and active calls

Live Teams Dashboard

Live Teams dashboard is available to all Enterprise License holders and gives Admins the ability to coach their agents on live calls. In addition to being able to Pause agents, the administrator can monitor, whisper, and barge calls based on the need for the call. 

  1. Log in to your AVOX account.
  2. Select the "Live" section located on the left-hand navigator.
  3. Next, select the "Live Teams" tab.
  4. On the "Live Teams" tab, use the search filter to display what "Teams" you want to monitor. 
  5. Save default filters for Live Teams by navigating to the three dots icon to the far right of the filter search bar and clicking 'Save as Default Filters
  6. Once the Teams are selected, separate cards will display for each team. Genius Tip: The maximum amount of teams to display on the Live Teams dashboard is 10.

NOTE: A single call in Team Activity can show as multiple calls within the Team Analytics dashboard as the call may have been processed by multiple teams.

Team Card Information Displayed

Team name: Name of the team

Last Updated: Time at which the card last refreshed with live data

Agents (this may change): Total amount of agents on a team

Inbound: Total amount of direct inbound calls for the team

Outbound: Total amount of outbound calls for the team

Team Calls: Total amount of inbound team calls

Agent Information Displayed

Agent Name: Name of the Agent

Status: Time duration of the agent in the current agent call status.

Last Call: Time duration since an agent last took a call. 

Pauses: Amount of times the agent has been paused. 

Call Waiting Summary

Calls Waiting: Number of calls currently waiting

Avg Wait Time: Average wait time for "all" inbound queue calls until they are answered

Max Wait Time: Maximum wait time for waiting calls

Genius Tip: Learn more about Live Teams

Call Waiting Details

Time: Time of day that the call arrived

Caller ID: Outbound caller-ID of the caller

Wait Time: Amount of time the call has been waiting

Pressing the three dots next to the call allows the action of 'Answer Call'

Genius Tip: Learn more about Answer Call functionality.

Teams Summary Report

The Teams Summary dashboard is available to all Contact and Enterprise Genius License holders.  It gives Admins and Supervisors an overall view of all active teams and the ability to monitor each team's call activity.  Follow the below guide to view your Teams Summary.

  1. Log in to your Genius account
  2. Select the "Live" section located on the left-hand navigator
  3. Next, select the "Teams Summary" tab located on the top navigator
  4. Last Updated: Time which the summary page was last refreshed with live data
  5. Team Name: List of all active teams
  6. Agents Available: Number of available agents within a team
  7. Calls in Progress: Number of calls in progress within a  team
  8. Calls Waiting: Number of calls in a team queue
  9. Average Wait Time: Average time a call waits within a teams' queue
  10. Max Wait Time: Longest time a call was waiting in a teams' queue


Report Alignment

Total Talk Time may not align exactly with your bill for the month. This is expected, please refer to your bill for correct call durations in alignment with your billing increment.

Call Monitoring and Agent Coaching

Call coaching is available by clicking the 'Coach' button next to the active call to begin monitoring the agent's call.

When monitoring you may also use Whisper or Barge to coach your agent. 

These options are found on the webphone.


The monitor action allows administrators to listen to an agent's phone call without the agent or caller being able to hear the administrator. 


The whisper action allows administrators to listen to an agent's phone call with the agent being able to hear the administrator, but not the caller.


The barge command allows administrators to talk to both the agent and the caller on the call. 

Pick Up Queue Calls 

The Live Teams dashboard also allows you to pick up calls that are currently waiting in the queue. 

Click on the three dots to the right of the waiting call and click 'Answer Call' in order to pick up the call. 

This will appear in Analytics as an answered inbound call.

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August 3rd, 2022


Louise Ross

Updated By:

Louise Ross



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