Creating Teams

Teams is a modern and collaborative feature available to AVOXI Contact and Enterprise License holders. The contact center feature was designed to increase agent productivity and enhance teamwork by organizing, filtering, and formally grouping users/agents. 

Grouping Examples:
  • Users who share a common set of outbound caller IDs
  • Users who represent a department
  • Users that need to be reported on together
  • Agents who receive inbound queue calls
  • Agents who receive inbound calls and make outbound calls
  • Users who you want to search for in the contact list easily

Manage Teams

  • To create a team, start by selecting the "Teams" icon located on the left-hand side navigation bar. 
  • Then, select the "+Add" button in the top right-hand corner. 

  • Enter a "Team Name"
  • Enter an extension for the team
  • Select your ring to strategy.  Choose from Round Robin, Least Used, or Ring All.
  • Set your timeout (in seconds). If you want your caller to stay in the queue until an agent picks up, keep your timeout at 0.  AVOXI Tip: This will also control the amount of time a queue callback call remains in the queue.
  • Once you've completed the required fields, select the "Add New Team" button. 

AVOXI Tip: Create dispositions, also called labels, to define the outcome of a call.

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October 4th, 2023


Louise Ross

Updated By:

Kay Senior



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in queue audio, adding team members, adding agents, creating teams, configuring team settings

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