Billing Groups: Understanding Your Invoice

For customers who have enabled the Billing Groups feature, your invoice will be organized according to your Billing Group configuration.

Please find below an example of your monthly invoice and a breakdown of each section and charge.

Customer Information*

Customer ID (1)

This is your unique identifier, and it is beneficial for us to locate the correct account whenever you contact AVOXI.

Invoice Number (2)

Please reference the invoice number whenever you contact us regarding your invoice or when you make a payment for your invoice.

Invoice Date (3)

AVOXI issues most invoices on or around the first of each month.  Occasionally, AVOXI may issue a particular invoice on a different date.

Period from and Period to (4)

Shows the date range of the month being billed.  AVOXI bills most subscription charges in advance and most call charges in arrears.

Due Date (5)

The due date on the invoice indicates the date by which AVOXI must receive your payment.

Invoice Summary (6)

This section shows all of the charges for the current invoice period summarized by the following categories:

Usage (SMS | Voice | Call Analytics)

These charges include the cost of actual SMS, Call Insights, Voice, and Number Testing usage during this billing period.  There is also a summary breakdown of these charges by each of your numbers included following the first page of your invoice.  You may also obtain a detailed analysis of these charges by logging into your AVOXI account online.

Licenses, Subscriptions, and Fees

These are the monthly recurring charges (MRC) for all your numbers, licenses, and other services as agreed upon at the installation time.  There is also a detailed breakdown of these charges by type following the first page of your invoice.  These charges are billed one month in advance.  Please Note:  There may be prorated subscription charges included here.  Subscription charges are billed in advance.  In the first month of a new subscription, you will be charged a prorated amount for that subscription plus one month for the next month.  For example, if a subscription begins on the 10th of the month, you will be charged a prorated amount for the 10th through the last day of the month PLUS one entire month for the next month.

Other Credits/Charges

These are adjustments to your account.  There is also a detailed breakdown of these charges following the first page of your invoice.


This is the sum of your current Usage Charges, Licenses and Subscription Charges, and Other Credits/Charges.


This is an administrative cost recovery feel. Learn more here! 

  • INTFEE is distributed proportionately across each Billing Group based on usage at the time of invoice generation.

Total Current Charges

This is the sum of all current charges for this invoice.

Payment Due (7)

This section shows a summary of the amount due to AVOXI

Previous Balance

This is the total balance you owed AVOXI BEFORE this invoice was generated


This is the sum of all payments received since your last invoice.

Current Charges

This is the same amount as the Total Current Charges defined above.

Amount Due

This is the total amount you owe AVOXI.

Bank / Payment Information (8)

This section shows all the details necessary for electronic and PayPal payments.

  • All payments will be posted to your account, reflecting the payment date of the day the funds arrive in our account.
  • Electronic Payments will be posted to your account within 24 business hours of arriving in our bank account.
  • PayPal payments will be posted to your account within 48 business hours of arriving in our PayPal account.

Payment Details (9)

This section shows the details of all payments posted to your account during the current billing period, including the payment date, payment type, payment description, and payment amount.

Summary by Billing Group (10)

The Summary by Billing Group gives an overview of the billing groups you have configured along with the total for each group. As you navigate through your invoice you will see that each Billing Group has its own section with its associated charges grouped under it.

Default Group (11)

The Default Group contains all billing items not otherwise assigned to a custom billing group, as well as taxes, certain fees, and organization-level subscriptions. Each subsequent billing group section is identified with a header stating the group name. 

Usage, Services, and Recurring Monthly Costs

Charges are identified under each Billing Group section as follows.

Usage Charges: SMS (12)

This section shows your SMS number of messages and charges broken down by each of your numbers and total.  You can also log into your AVOXI account for more details about your SMS usage.

Usage Charges: Voice (13)

This section shows your voice call number of calls, number of minutes, and charges broken down by each of your numbers and total. You can also log into your AVOXI account for more details about your voice call usage.

Voice usage is organized by call direction: inbound and outbound.

  • Inbound
    • Lists your number packages and their associated inbound usage.
  • Outbound
    • Where applicable, outbound usage is tied to the AVOXI caller ID that completed the call. Outbound traffic that is not associated with an AVOXI number is included in the usage of the SIP trunk that completed the call.
      • Account ID: AVOXI number or SIP Trunk Name
      • Product: SIP Trunk type


Outbound calls that cannot be attributed to an AVOXI number will be attributed to the SIP trunk that completed the call. This usage will be allocated to the Default group.

Usage Charges: Number Testing (14)

This section shows your Number Testing usage number of test calls and charges broken down by each of your numbers and total.  You can also log into your AVOXI account for more details about your Number Testing usage.

License & Fees (15)

This section shows your license fees, including the license type (3 minimum licenses required), the Period the license fee covers, the quantity, price, and totals. It also include the Cloud Service Plan*.

  • The Cloud Service Plan will be associated with the Default Group as it is not attributed to a particular group.

Subscription Details (16)

This section shows your subscriptions and coverage period, broken down by your numbers and total. These are the monthly recurring charges (MRC) for all your numbers, number-related services, Call Insights* and other services. Please Note:  There may be prorated subscription charges included here.  Subscription charges are billed in advance.  In the first month of a new subscription, you will be charged a prorated amount for that subscription plus one month for the next month.  For example, if a subscription begins on the 10th of the month, you will be charged a prorated amount for the 10th through the last day of the month PLUS one entire month for the next month.



For customers with Billing Groups enabled, the Call Insights subscription and usage are distributed proportionately across all Billing Groups.

Cloud Service Plan (17)

The AVOXI Cloud Service combines our feature-packed platform capabilities into a value-adding service package for our voice customers.  AVOXI offers two cloud service packages, Standard and Premium, which offer integration, security, management, analytics, and support features that are right-sized for enterprises and smaller businesses.  

The Standard Cloud Service Plan is automatically added to all new customer accounts.  This is charged at $9.99 or 4% of total monthly spending, which is ever greater.  Use our informative guide to learn which features the Standard Cloud Package includes, or reach out to your Account Manager to upgrade to the Premium plan today.  



For customers with Billing Groups enabled, the Cloud Service Plan fee is distributed proportionately across all Billing Groups.

Other Credits / Charges Details (18)

This section shows the details of any other adjustments made to your account, the date each adjustment was made, and a description of each adjustment. Note: Due to rounding, subtotals on the cover page may differ slightly from the detail totals on the invoice pages. The 'Rounding' line under 'Other Credits/Charges Details' should account for rounding discrepancies. The Other Credits/Charges Details section is only applied to the Default Group.

Billing Group Total (19)

At the end of each billing group section, you will see the sum of charges and fees for the group.

If you have further questions or concerns regarding your invoice, don't hesitate to contact our Customer Service team at

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August 22nd, 2024


Kay Senior

Updated By:

Kay Senior



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invoices, billing

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