AVOXI - 3CX SIP Configuration

This guide will show you how to create a trunk in 3CX for use with AVOXI Genius.

Warning: You cannot select "Generic" as a country when using "3CX Hosted Interface". You must have 3CX installed on your own hardware (whether it be cloud-based or on local hardware). Here is a link to a forum where a 3CX Staff member states that you cannot use Generic SIP trunk with their 3CX Hosted Interface -> https://www.3cx.com/community/threads/generic-sip-trunk-in-v18-how-to.84233/



This guide was created using 3CX Version 20.

1. Navigate to Admin > Voice & Chat.

2. Click "Add Trunk"

3. Change Country to "Generic"

4. Change Trunk to "Generic SIP Trunk"

5-1. If you are going to use 3CX to place outbound calls, create a SIP Trunk first in the Genius portal, and then from the Setup Instructions in Genius, put the DNS Host name in the "Registrar/Server" field. (Example DNS Host name: 00000-randomsubdomain.us1.trunks.avoxi.com).

Note: The Data Center dropdown menu in AVOXI Genius is read-only. Changing the options will simply show you the different DNS Host names available for use (us1, uk1, br1, me1, au1, de1, and hk1)


5-2. If you are only using 3CX to receive inbound calls, you don't need to put anything in this field. 3CX won't let you create a trunk with this field blank, so you can put "localhost" or some other value.

  • Alternatively, you can enter the datacenter's IP address.

6. Leave "Type of Authentication" on "Do not require - IP Based"

7. You can set "Main Trunk Number" field to an AVOXI DID or a dummy number. This field just can't be left blank or 3CX won't let you create the trunk. Do note that any outbound calls placed via a 3CX extension that doesn't have a caller ID specified will use the number in "Main Trunk Number", so it's highly recommended to use an AVOXI DID.

8. If you created an AVOXI Genius SIP URI and/or Genius SIP Trunk with basic authentication, please enter the username specified in the "Authentication ID" field, and the password in the "Authentication password" field.

Note: If you are using 1 trunk for inbound/outbound calls with AVOXI Genius, please use the same username and password for both the SIP URI and SIP Trunk in Genius or you will run into authentication issues.



9. Under the DID Numbers tab, add all the AVOXI DID Numbers you want 3CX to use.

10. Under the Options tab, click the dropdown section for "Codec priority" and remove PCMA and G729. We do support PCMU, PCMA, and G729 codec, but AVOXI Genius will transcode PCMA and G729 to PCMU. Since 3CX supports PCMU, having just this codec selected should not be an issue.

11. Press save.

For creating inbound/outbound rules in 3CX, please refer to the following guides on 3CX's website:

Inbound Rules: https://www.3cx.com/docs/manual/call-center-queues/
Outbound Rules: https://www.3cx.com/docs/manual/outbound-call-routing/

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