Company Default Outbound Caller ID

The Company Default outbound caller ID is the default outbound caller ID number for all agents in the AVOXI application.  In this article, we will provide details on the Company's Default outbound caller ID and the process for having it updated.

  • Review our outbound caller ID guide for more information on outbound caller ID and how agents and admins can update this number.
  • The Company Default outbound caller ID is generally set to the first number purchased when setting up the AVOXI application.  
  • To see what this number is, an Admin can navigate to Accounts and Preferences -> Company Account and see the 'OUTBOUND CALLER ID' field:

  • To update this number, an Admin can contact a support representative who will adjust the Company Default outbound caller ID accordingly. 
  • Any number available in the organization's AVOXI application can be used as the outbound caller ID.  
  • In addition, another number owned by the organization but not part of the AVOXI application can also be used.  An Admin can provide the support representative with appropriate documentation to verify the ownership of the number, and they will update it accordingly.

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July 27th, 2024


Carson Grimes

Updated By:

Louise Ross



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