Listen to your Call Recordings

If your Inbound, Outbound, or Internal call recording feature is activated, all calls will automatically record and stored using Google Cloud Storage (GCS). 

Administrators have the ability to playback call recordings for the entire organization and users can listen to their inbound recordings.

  1. Once you have logged into your Genius account.
  2. Navigate to the Company Activity section.
  3. If required use the date picker to filter by a specific date range (maximum allowed range of one month between the start and end date).
  4. Filter by user or number.
  5. Using the drop-down select the call direction.
  6. Once you have filtered your calls you can use the "playback" to listen to the call recordings.  

Genius Tip: Agents/Users /Supervisors only have the ability to pause recording within the phone application

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October 29th, 2021


Louise Ross

Updated By:

Louise Ross



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