Your contact center is a business powerhouse, and phone numbers are a crucial tool to its success. In this section, we cover how to add, set up, and monitor your business numbers within your AVOXI online platform.
Adding Numbers
Setting Up Call Forwarding on Numbers
Creating a Voicemail on Numbers
Creating a Virtual Number
Monitoring your Numbers
All users can view all Toll-Free, Local (DID, DDI), Mobile, and TrueLocal AVOXI virtual numbers associated with your company's account on the Numbers Dashboard of your AVOXI online platform.
View your numbers
- Select the "Numbers" section in the left-side navigation bar to view your numbers.
- You can now view all numbers associated with your account on your organization's "Number Dashboard" under the "Manage" tab.
- Phone Number: Under the "Phone Number" column, you can view a list of all active phone numbers.
- Local Format - Always verify the local dialing format in the number country of origin; more information can be found here
- Friendly Name - This allows admins to assign user-friendly labels to numbers.
- Country & Number Type - Toll-Free, Mobile, or Fixed Line.
- Services Enabled - This column will show which services are enabled on that particular number (for example, Voicemail / Call Recording / SMS/TrueLocal).
Target Destination - How incoming calls to a specific number will be answered (example: forward to an external number/voicemail/extension/SIP Forwarding/MS Teams) and to who the number is assigned.