Amazon Connect FAQ's

Below you can find answers to frequently asked questions about our Amazon Connect Integration.


Can I forward a number to Amazon if I am on the Standard Cloud Service Plan? 

No, this feature is only available on the Premium Cloud Service plan.


Do I need a SIP Trunk for every number? 

No, you only need one (1) dedicated Amazon SIP Trunk regardless of how many numbers you have.


Do I need a separate SIP Trunk for TrueLocal Numbers forwarding to Amazon?  

No, you can use the same sip trunk for all numbers regardless if they are TrueLocal, Toll-Free or DIDs


How can I configure existing numbers to forward to Amazon?

Customers can enable existing numbers individually or in bulk via the Numbers page or the Number Profile; use our informative configuration guide to get started. 


Can I forward numbers non-AVOXI numbers via my online platform to Amazon?

No, you can only forward numbers purchased directly from AVOXI to Amazon. 


How do I set my number up to forward to Amazon post-purchase? 

If you already have an Amazon SIP Trunk configured, you can enable any existing numbers individually or in bulk via the Numbers page or the Number Profile; use our informative configuration guide to get started. If you do not yet have the Amazon SIP Trunk, please get in touch with sales.  You can do this directly and simply within your platform. 

  • Navigate to the left navigation - - → SIP Integration - - - > SIP Marketplace .
  • Select the Amazon Connect tile from either the SIP URI or SIP Trunk tab
  • Submit request


Can I still forward to multiple third-party platforms if I am already forwarding numbers to Amazon?

Yes, you can forward different numbers to several different CCaaS or UCaaS connections via AVOXI anytime. The only limitation is that one number can only be sent to one platform. 


Where on my invoice can I find my Amazon charge?  

All charges associated with forwarding to Amazon can be found under your invoice's “Usage” section.




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September 13th, 2024


Louise Ross

Updated By:

Louise Ross



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