AVOXI Release Notes - March 8, 2023

AVOXI Deployment Summary:  With this week's release, we deployed our new Multifactor Authentication and Enterprise Billing to beta customers 

NEW Number Testing Analytics

With this release, the primary metrics for Number Testing analytics will now reflect within the "My Activity" reports.

BETA Multifactor Authentication

Multifactor Authentication (MFA) provides our customer accounts with an extra layer of security.  It helps to protect their user's accounts from being accessed by the wrong person.  With MFA enabled users must enter their username and password and verify their identity with a verification code.  Learn more here! 

BETA  Enterprise Billing

Billing Groups make it easy for our customers to organize their billing items into various groups to divide costs amongst these groups.  Once their Billing Groups have been configured, their end-of-month invoice will display the charges listed by the billing group.  Use our informative guide to learn more!

Release notes include new features, enhancements, and bug fixes.  Updates are done weekly, so check back often to see what’s new.  if you are interested in a Voice of the Customer or have product suggestions, please get in touch with product@avoxi.com.


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April 5th, 2023


Louise Ross

Updated By:

Louise Ross



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2023, avoxi

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