AVOXI Release Notes - September 20, 2022

AVOXI Deployment Summary:  As part of our global coverage expansion, we continuously add new numbers, inventory, and locations to our online shopping cart.  In addition, we released voicemail enhancements to Call Journey, improved coverage and restrictions within the online shopping cart, and removed our Basic Classic Jetpack.

Enhancements Voicemail in Call Journey 

With this release, users can now see voicemails in Call Journey, which allows them to review the voicemail associated with the call.

Enchancements Coverage & Restrictions and AVOXI Cart 

We applied a new and fresh banner to our AVOXI cart to ensure it follows our global branding.  In addition, existing customers can now use a drop-down to view "Additional Details" about the selected number.

Important End Of Sale US and Canada SMS Service 

We removed SMS add-on options for US and Canada numbers from the Cart for any new number purchases due to our SMS vendor Twilio/Zipwhip permanently shutting down their existing service.  This change only applies to new number purchases, and the business is currently discussing how to handle active US and Canada numbers with SMS services.  More information to follow soon.

Critical Reminder Sunsetting Jetpack Business Classic Plans 

This a reminder that effective October 1, 2022, all existing Classic packages will be automatically updated to the Business Basic package; this change has been communicated to all impacted customers via email (Note: emails visible within the customer SF account under the activity section).

New Service Coverage 

Our provisioning team has also added the below number of coverage to the AVOXI online shopping cart:

  • Jetpack - DID - United States - Georgia - Atlanta (404) - Unlimited Agent

  • Jetpack - DID - United States - New York - New York City (718) - Unlimited Agent

  • Jetpack - DID - United States - Arkansas - Little Rock (501) - Unlimited Agent

  • Jetpack - DID - United States - CA Los Angeles (213) - Unlimited Agent

Release notes include new features, enhancements, and bug fixes.  Updates are done weekly, so check back often to see what's new.  Also, please forward product suggestions to product@avoxi.com.

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December 9th, 2022


Tasleem Rayali

Updated By:

Louise Ross



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