South Africa True Local Emergency Services

Calling an emergency service differs from country to country, with many countries using multiple emergency numbers depending on who you want to reach.  While in many countries, dialing 112 (used in Europe and parts of Asia) or 911 (used in the United States) will instantly connect a caller to emergency services, this is not the case in South Africa.  Below is a detailed list of all emergency services we currently support.

Police Emergency 10111

They are dialing the telephone number 10111 from anywhere in South Africa for an emergency that requires a police response.  When called, a call center operator will answer the incoming call, take all necessary particulars, and assign the complaint to a Flying Squad patrol vehicle, or the local police station, to attend the incident.  Calls from a landline are free.  However, calls made from a cellphone are charged standard rates. 

National Emergency Services 112

You can call 112 from any landline or cellphone in South Africa.  When the number is dialed, you will be transferred to an automated call center that will route you to the nearest emergency services.  A call to 112 on a landline is free and can also be dialed on a cellphone that does not have airtime.

Ambulance response - 10177

The 10177 number can be used in the case of a medical emergency.  In addition, it can be called in conjunction with the fire and police departments, depending on whether there are casualties.

Ambulance Emergency Services Mobile  - 082911

Private emergency response company Netcare911 will respond to emergencies with you are a member or not.  Dial 082 911 and state your emergency.

COVID-19 National Emergency Services 139 

This number is assigned to the Department of Health for COVID-19 national emergency services during the National State of Disaster by ICASA in line with the Numbering Regulations.  Therefore, there are no charges when dialing the number by landline or mobile, which aligns with emergency communication regulations in the Disaster Management Act.

17737 Presidents Hotline

South Africans can now dial 17737 (toll-free from a landline) to get through to a call center at the President's office with questions or gripes about government service delivery. 

What information is required?

Please note, unlike some countries, emergency services in South Africa are unable to ask your provider for your exact physical location.  Therefore, you must have the following information available when making an emergency call.

  • Personal details
  • Type of emergency
  • Your exact location (including nearby landmarks, street names, and physical address).
  • The details about any injuries and possible suspects.

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August 1st, 2022


Jon Ross

Updated By:

Louise Ross



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