Documentation Requirement - Letter of Intent - Qatar Toll Free

Letter of Intent, LOI, can also be referred to as a Letter of Authority. The Purpose of an LOI is to describe the reason for acquiring the number and the use behind it. 

Using your Company Letterhead, please fill out a letter with the following content:

  • Company name
  • Authorized Contact details
  • Company Website (Declaration content-website    
  • The service description for the number
  • Title and name of authorized signatory, e.g., CEO, CFO
  • End-User must be from outside of Qatar
  • Signature of authorized signatory
  • Company stamp, if available 

QATAR Toll-Free Conditions

Calling card usage is not permitted

The number may not be used to offer calling card services.

Recently signed LOI not older than a month

An LOI needs to be signed by the end-user

URL content-provider & URL content - include on the LOI

URL content-provider & URL content (if different than website content-provider) needs to be delivered

Declaration content-website - include on the LOI

In case the content website is not clear of the content provider, they must sign a declaration it is theirs.

End-User must be from outside of Qatar

End-User must be from outside of Qatar

Downloadable Template


Our interactive number portal gives you the ability to view required supporting documentation via the number profile page. With only a few clicks you can instantly upload them directly from within your AVOXI platform.  Once these are received and reviewed by our number team, the in-application status will automatically update.  Learn more here.

Generally, you will hear back from us within 24 hours. For Immediate action, you can always reach us at +1 (770) 937-9735.  Please note your number will not work and is blocked until your information is registered with the local provider. 


  • Fill in the Yellow highlighted fields—completely replace each field with your own information. If a field is not highlighted, don’t change it.
  • If you don't have your AVOXI Number yet you can remove that
  • Have the documents signed by an authorized signatory of the Sender.

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March 21st, 2022


Miguel Aleman

Updated By:

Louise Ross



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