Updating the Data Center on a AVOXI Number

All AVOXI numbers are auto-routed by region to one of our six data centers at purchase to ensure the best call quality.  This can be changed at any time under the number configuration page of your AVOXI online platform.  Use our step-by-step guide below.


WARNING:  Currently, there are no user permission settings for changing the Data Center to which a number routes.  This a reminder that any changes may impact the voice quality of that specific number. 

Updating the Data Center on a Number

  • Sign in to your Genius account at genius.avoxi.com
  • Navigate to the Numbers page on the left-hand navigation bar
  • Click the number you wish to change
  • In the Data Center field, select the appropriate data center.

Bulk Updating the Data Center on Mulitple Numbers 

  • Sign in to your Genius account at genius.avoxi.com
  • Navigate to the Numbers page on the left-hand navigation bar
  • Select the numbers you wish to change 
  • Click the kebob menu on the upper right-hand of your screen
  • Click Modify Data Center 
  • Select the Data Center in the dropdown 
  • Confirm the numbers you are changing and click Save 


Updating the Data Center at a User Level 

  • Sign in to your Genius account at genius.avoxi.com
  • Navigate to the Users page on the left-hand navigation bar
  • Select the user you wish to change
  • Select the appropriate data center for the user in the Data Center field.

Updating the Data Center on the Webphone 

  • Sign in to your Genius account at genius.avoxi.com
  • Select the setting on your webphone by clicking the cog icon on the upper right. 
  • Select the appropriate Data Center in the dropdown
  • NOTE: Changing the Data Center during an active call will result in the call dropping
  • User our easy-to-follow cheat sheet for recommendations 



IMPORTANT NOTE:  If utilizing SIP Forwarding, you must ensure the correct signaling IP addresses are configured.   View whitelisting details


How does this impact my existing phone numbers? 

Once the data center is changed, calls will route as expected with no impact. 

What happens if I change the data center in the web phone during an active call

The call will drop.

What happens if I change the data center on the User page during an active call? 

The user must sign out and back in for the change.

What happens if I change the data center on the numbers page (singular and bulk)? 

The change would take effect on the next phone call.

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July 27th, 2024


Louise Ross

Updated By:

Louise Ross



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update, data center

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