AVOXI Release Notes - August 2, 2022

AVOXI Deployment Summary:  As part of our global coverage expansion, we continuously add new numbers, inventory, and locations to our online shopping cart.  With this week's release, our new analytics was released to select beta customers, and we launched our new left-hand navigation.  

Enhancement Team Analytics Page Design Feature Flag

Our Team Analytics Page redesign ready under a feature flag for next week's release.  In the interim, the product team will work on updating all relevant Knowledge Base Guides.

Enhancement Left-Hand Navigation 

NEW Service Coverage 

Our provisioning team has also added the below number of coverage to the AVOXI online shopping cart:

  • Jetpack - DID (Movistar) - Chile - Santiago
    Jetpack - DID - Spain - Tarragona
    Jetpack - DID - Spain - Tarragona - TrueLocal

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December 9th, 2022


Tasleem Rayali

Updated By:

Louise Ross



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