Landline Only Numbers (Tollfree)

Landline ONLY numbers are a unique number type only available using a landline in select destinations.  This particular number type is popular with Hotels using an in-house PBX.  These numbers are not mobile accessible; should this be a requirement, you are required to upgrade to a Toll Free number. 


Limitations and Regulatory Requirements

All limitations and regulatory requirements can be found within the “Additional Details” drop-down of the cart.

  • These number types do require supporting documentation. 
  • They are non-inventory, meaning numbers, meaning they need to be ordered at the time of purchase.
  • Accessibility is not guaranteed outside the country.



The below destination are available in our online shopping cart:

  • Switzerland Toll Free (Landline only)
  • Germany Toll-Free (Landline Only)
  • South Africa Toll Free (LandLine Only)
  • Taiwan Toll-Free (LandLine Only)
  • Belgium Toll-Free (LandLine Only)
  • Czech Republic Toll-Free (LandLine Only)
  • Denmark Toll-Free (LandLine Only)
  • Estonia Toll-Free (LandLine Only)
  • Finland Toll-Free (LandLine Only)
  • Hungary Toll Free (LandLine Only)
  • Ireland Toll-Free (LandLine Only)
  • Liechtenstein Toll Free (LandLine Only)
  • Lithuania Toll-Free (LandLine Only)
  • Luxembourg Toll-Free (LandLine Only)
  • Macedonia Toll-Free (LandLine Only)
  • Netherlands Toll-Free (LandLine Only)
  • Portugal Toll Free (LandLine Only)
  • Serbia Toll-Free (LandLine Only)
  • Spain Toll-Free (LandLine Only)
  • Sweden Toll-Free (LandLine Only)
  • Montserrat Toll-Free (LandLine Only)
  • United Kingdom Toll Free (LandLine Only)
  • Costa Rica Toll Free (LandLine Only)
  • Brazil Toll-Free (LandLine Only)

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September 13th, 2023


Louise Ross

Updated By:

Louise Ross



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numbers, landline, phone number, fixed-line, toll-free

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