Document Required - Establishment Card (UAE DID)

In some locations, the In-country Authority requires the number to be registered with an Establishment Card.  A company stamp will need to be presented with the card as well.  Please be sure that the Establishment Card you supply AVOXI matches the Company name of the order you just placed. 

Company establishment card is issued by the Immigration Authority of that emirate, where your company is registered. It is again important to mention, that the card is not issued by the registration authority itself but by the Immigration authority instead.

If you would like to change the information your number is registered upload this directly within your new AVOXI platform at the number field.  Once these are received and reviewed by our number team, the in-application status will automatically update, learn more here!

Generally, you will hear back from us within 24 hours. For Immediate action, you can always reach us at +1 (770) 937-9735.  Please note your number will not work and is blocked until your information is registered with the local provider. 

AVOXI Core Platform

If you are an AVOXI Core customer you can track your order status with your Onboarding Specialist who will also provide regular email updates. Lead times on orders are based on inventory at the time of order.  Most numbers are usually ready the next day unless there is a long order time with the carrier. Contact your Account Manager about an AVOXI Platform Demo and Migration.

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May 16th, 2023


Breanna Layte

Updated By:

Thomas Cook



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uae did, establishment card

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