AVOXI Release Notes - December 3, 2024

AVOXI Deployment - December 3, 2024

As part of our global coverage expansion, we continuously add new numbers, inventory, and locations to our online shopping cart. Additionally, we are regularly releasing updates and improvements to the Genius platform UI and behind the scenes to keep our software running smoothly. 


🎉 What's New

  • New Products in the Shopping Cart
    • China - Beijing - (Single Number Range) - DID & TrueLocal
    • China - Shanghai - (Single Number Range) - DID & TrueLocal
    • China - Shenzhen - (Single Number Range) - DID & TrueLocal
    • Update to Current Products: China DID & TrueLocal - NEW product - “Single Number Range”. This product is slightly more expensive than our original products and is a single number range
      • What does this mean? If there is a report of fraud activity, the single number will be blocked. Our cheaper products are a part of a large number range - if a number is blocked within this range, the whole range is blocked. This new product will protect our clients from losing their numbers.
  • 'Flag an Issue' in the Webphone 
    • New ‘flag’ icon in the webphone top info bar (next to network status icon)
    • This enables Agents to highlight when there are issues impacting their experience; assists in reducing the time-to-resolution and achieving better outcomes
      • An Agent would use this if they have a call drop, one-way audio, poor audio quality, or other technical issues. They just need to click the flag, and then let their Supervisor know they’ve experienced an issue
    • Note: This DOES NOT open a new support ticket. This is meant to help us find and troubleshoot Agent-reported issues more quickly. Supervisors/Admins for our customers will still need to open a Support ticket for the issue. We will do further training on finding these reported issues


✨ Updates/Enhancements

  • Flow Builder canvas update 
    • Updated view behavior so that when a Flow is larger than will fit on screen, we will not reset the view when you add a new node
      • This is to assist with very large flows and will improve the experience of adding new nodes in those flows




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December 4th, 2024


Samantha Dyer

Updated By:

Samantha Dyer



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