Genius Release Notes: April 28, 2020

AVOXI Genius Deployment Summary: NEW Disposition reports and enhancements to all queue page.

What’s NEW

  • Added ability to search for call detail records by one or multiple call *disposition*

  • Dispositions Report

    • We added a "drill down" capability which gives Admin and Supervisor the ability to click on a specific disposition report.  This will allow them to view call detail records related to a particular report.

  • Call Queues Page Enhancement

  • Enhancements have been made to the search bar behavior on the Call Queues page. 


  • Call Disconnects

    • Fixed an issue where call disconnects were not being handled correctly

  • Call Queues

    • Fixed an issue where some live calls were not showing up correctly on the Call Queues page

    • Resolved an issue where some voicemail messages were not being saved correctly when left in the queue.

  • Integrations

    • Load testing the system for higher reliability

    • Investigated and resolved instances where the webphone did not ring.

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June 22nd, 2020


Louise Ross

Updated By:

Louise Ross



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