AVOXI Release Notes: September 29, 2020

AVOXI Deployment Summary: NEW HelpScout Integration, enhancements to Live Teams and Scheduled Reports.

What's New

NEW HelpScout Helpdesk Integration: Using AVOXI-HelpScout integration, support and sales teams can now manage all their customer conversations in a single platform.  HelpScout helps remove tedious agent call logging and increase visibility into customer's profiles to better tailer conversations. Learn more! 


Live Inbound Teams: Added waiting name to calls waiting in a queue. 

Scheduled Reports: We made several enhancements to schedule reports:

  • Added search functionality to the schedule reports page 
  • The report name is now included in the email
  • Users can now test a scheduled report
  • Updated the format to always include a PDF of the report - a "CSV" file can be optionally included


  • Fixed a rare condition that could cause an agent to receive multiple calls at the same time
  • Enhanced security around updating users as part of ongoing security improvements 

Release notes include new features, enhancements, and bug fixes. Updates are done weekly so check back often to see what's new. Please forward product suggestions to product@avoxi.com.

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March 27th, 2022


Louise Ross

Updated By:

Jon Ross



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