How to place international calls from one country to another

Every phone number has its own unique dialing format. And for different countries, phone numbers can even have different quantities of digits. Like all international 800 numbers, you can call 1800 numbers from overseas by dialing that country’s international dialing prefix before the number. Review our 

EXAMPLE: To call Australia from the United States, dial 011 + 61 + the number you wish to connect to.

For more information about country codes, dial codes, and how to place international calls from one country to another use the below quick links.  Alternatively, you can also use Global Country Code to search for a specific country

Number formatting and calling an AVOXI number

AVOXI Virtual Numbers are displayed within the AVOXI platform in E.164 number format.  When advertising/displaying an AVOXI phone number you may be required to use the local dialing format, which is based on the caller's location and number type.  

Learn more using the below quick links:

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March 5th, 2021


Louise Ross

Updated By:

Louise Ross



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international dial codes, outbound dailing, how to dial overseas, how to call overseas, overseas calls, call 1800 numbers, how do you call a 1800 number from overseas

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