AVOXI Release Notes - November 15, 2022

AVOXI Deployment Summary:  As part of our global coverage expansion, we continuously add new numbers, inventory, and locations to our online shopping cart.  In addition, we released an automated Deny List and Outbound Caller ID within our Mobile App.

New Customer Deny List  

International Revenue Sharing Fraud, or IRSF,  is a huge problem.  Fraudsters gain access to a user’s login credentials through fishing attacks or bad actors within an organization.  Once able to sign in, the fraudster begins making a high volume of calls to premium international destinations, and up to 25% of the cost of the call goes into their pocket!  Due to the increased risk of this fraud, as of last tonight, specific international destinations are automatically blocked by AVOXI.  As a result, outbound calls cannot be completed to these locations.  To identify blocked goals, customers must sign in to their AVOXI platform and follow the steps within our guide to unblock them.  Learn more! 


Queue Name in the Caller ID for the Mobile App

With last night’s release, we have swapped the order in which the queue name appears so that the caller’s number is always in frame.  

New Service Coverage 

Our carrier and provisioning team has added the below number of coverage to the AVOXI online shopping cart:

  • United States - California Burbank 747 - TrueLocal

  • Iceland - Reykjavik - TrueLocal

Fixes & Product Adjustment

  • Call Recording Playback Chopping:  A fix for an issue with Wing Alpha where the audio sounds choppy/breaks up when listening to saved recordings (Wing Alpha).

  • China Call Quality Issue:  Released a fix for an issue where a customer experienced poor quality on their China number

Release notes include new features, enhancements, and bug fixes.  Updates are done weekly, so check back often to see what’s new. Also, please forward product suggestions to product@avoxi.com.

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December 9th, 2022


Tasleem Rayali

Updated By:

Louise Ross



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